
Oh yes I am!!! No mobile phone until tomorrow, Friday, at 5 pm. Almost feels like I'm naked, lost a dear friend least my contact with the world!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Well, there will be a great reward coming up! Tomorrow afternnon I will be able to use my brand new iPhone 4 and my old number!!! The sacerefice of having no phone for 24 hours is so that they can swap my old number over to the new sim-card and the new phone subscription. To keep my old no. is very important!! It's difficult to change no. 'cos it's almost like an established institute, ones phone number.

The thing is, my dear old SonyEricson is dying... Thanks to me being to violent on the buttons I guess.... Or me calling to much?! Texting to much?! Or might it be that I have dropped it to many times?!!? Geting a new one is much needed and the reason that I went with an iPhone is that it's time for me to join the 21-th century! Even 12 years olds are using smartphone nowadays and I just feel that I need to jump on the train to the future. I do also hope that a touch screen will make it easier for me to use as my hands and fingers are kind of bad due to artritis   (sounds like I*m 96 years old, hihi!!).
                                    Welcome to the future Marie!!!

I'm just worried because I'm not very good with mobile phones and understanding new technology. Thouh, I managed to figure out my computer and also managed to cure Mums computer from virus and spywaer- Please, cross your fingers that I'll get my new phone up and running as soon as possible! I just don't have the energy to spend alot of time trying to understand such things....

Lord does it feel lonely or not withouth my mobile phone!?! I often send quite alot of SMS and MMS in the evening; to friends, Mum and Dad. Pictures of my wounderful little Louis and his strang habits =)

I'm in sooooo much pain today!!! Louis and I, we are just passed out in the soffa right now. It's typical autumn pain, when the weather changes from warm and humid to cold and dry... And also the fact that my artritis has gotten worse and my KT...kind of walks down the same path as artritis. Well, could be worse!! At least I have my lovely Louis, a lovely family, true friends iPhone! Hihi!!!
Louis, has had some tummy problems today so he also needs to rest. He doesn't find the idea very apealing, to rest, but he does love to sit close to me in the soffa; cuddle, eat cocholate and just be together!!! Hopefully we both feel better tomorrow 'cos we are going to Dads and Monikas.

Take care of eachother everyone! Enjoy ever single moment of life!!



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