YAG-laser Treatment
I had a YAG-laser treatment done yesterday at the University Hospital of Malmö, Skåne. I have had other laser treatments done before, but with other kinds of laser. The previous once have been lasers that have scared my skin so that the bleedings should stopp. As the skin gets scared it also gets thicker and doesn't rupture as easy. But this new version of the YAG-laser goes deeper and "pops" the veins. It really sounds like a "pop" when the vessel breaks. The blood coagulates emediately where the laser beam has been shot and the visual sign of the laser is a redish rea aroun where the laser has been preformed, a bit of brusing and a scab that should be left alone so that it doesn't start to bleed....
This laser treatment is said to be better for KT-patients as the laser beam goes deeper and as it, most of the times, does the trick. Other lasers might not close the vein of propperly but the YAG does. The scaring is also much less than with conventional laser treatments.
The treatment is very painful, but just for a second at the time. When you hear the "pop" it really, really hurts but that's just for a second and after that it's totaly painfree. The problem is just taht you have to go through this one-second-pains about a hundred times. It's a bit exhausting to feel this intence pain so many times, but soooo worth it! I feel that the pain is more intence that the other lasers I have tried but after that very painful seconds it's painfree. With my last laser treatment I got wounds that didn't heel for weeks, that was painful and very problematic.
Today, the day after my laser treatment, I'm a bit sore but the most profound problem is that my KT leg is very swollen. As the treatment "sealed of" some troublesmome veins the blood now needs to find new ways to get around. The swelling is painful and quite uncomfortable. Thouh, that's a smal price in the long run! I just need to keep my leg elevated, rest a bit more than usual and try to keep the scab of the "wound" on as long as possible.
I can really recomend this laser treatment! Keep your fingers crossed now that this treatment has been succesful! It will take a few days before we know if it's as succesful as we anticipate!