This Week
New week, new adventures!! As almost every Monday it's laundry day. Things like doing laundry is very exhausting to me so days like today I tend to rest after I've finished with the laundry. I made some easy, might calle it lazy, cooking and bought a grilled chicken. Louis was sooo trilled when he smelled the chicken and did everything in his power to get a hold of it! I had to hide it in the owen so that he couldn't take it! He would eat it all; meat, paper bag, carcass and all...
I have learnt Louis that if you don't steal, nick or by any means take things thats not yourse you will eventually get a tast. Thouh, somehow Louis doesn't think that applys on grilled chicken, cocholate and popcorn.
Well, when I made my lunch I made Louis'es too. Happy dog, happy Marie!!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, I'm seeing my nurse Ewa in the morning. She keeps track on my weight, blood pressure and other things to help me keep on track with everything from eating right to medicines name it!
After lunch it's time for my weekly aqua training.
Wedensday morning, telephone meeting with my "associate" Ingela. Together we have started a patients organisation for patients with Klippel-Trenaunay and similar syndromes. We are going to try to get things sorted, make a plan for who will do what, what to do and put a time limit to it. In other words, kick ourself in the but!!! This organisation "Svenska Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrom Nätverket"" has been my dream for many, many years. To help and support patients, family and friends who lives with KT.
Wednesday after lunch, occupational therapist.
Wednesday is also my mothers birthday!!!
Thursdag 8 am, physio therapist. She is going to go through every single joint in my body to see if I'm better, worse or just....still kicking ;-). I have only seen this physio for a few months. She is physio no 31 in my life... Imagine, in 29 years I have seen more or less 31 physios.... What am I doing to them?!?! Hihi!!!
Friday is a hospital free day. Thid evening Louis and I are going to Mums to celebrate her birthday.
This week seems to be an easy going one with not to many hospital appointments. I hope the weather will clear up, 'cos it's raining maddly today, so that Louis and I can spend some time out doors. I love the outdoors and as we live close to a lovely forest and just by a river banks, it's always lovely to take a walk or just sit down and red a book. Watch Louis run round.
Thouh, honestly, I do like this weather too. I love to curl up in the soffa when the rain is pouring down outside. Listen to the wind, drink hot cocholate and put on really warm wool socks. I've realised that I love autumn and winter. I miss the snow. I really do!! I rather freeze thah swet. I love the fresh, crispy air that winter brings along. i love the colours that autumn creates!!! I'm all for the summer ending and the dark, colourful seasons to enter!
Winter 2010