Joy of My Life
I have had a stuborn headache for two days now and I finaly begin to feel better; lovely! I absolutely hate headacheas as it feels like there's nothing you can do about it more than take Panodol and rest, and that's not much of a comfort really. Well, better today!
Louis is on a course of not-eating-my-dog-food and that creates a bit of a problem as he has got the dog-version of IBS (Iritated Bowl Syndrome) and needs to eat every few hours not to pucke. Thouh, he's as stuborn as his Marie and keeps eating all the "trimings" on his food and not the dog-food.... Looooouuuiiisss!!
I just get worried that he'll get as ill as he was last December again. When his stomach was so bad that he passed blood and had to be hospitalised for two days for IV-fluid and medications. I know it might not happen ever again, but I'm just a very, very worried dog owner who loves her dog more than anything in this world!!
Louis is as happy as ever! Plays, jumps, loves his walks and drives me crazy! I really hope it's me, that I'm worried for no reason at all!!! Cross your fingers!!!
The most important thing is that he is actually eating something! Even if it's just biscuitts, doggy treats and bolid chicken! Ahhh, or he's a gourmet dog!!!! That's it! Maybe I shall treat him Kobe-beef tomorrow?!?
It's a good thing I love that dog more than anything! Louis is the love of my life! Did you know that Louis kennel namne is "Joy of My Life" ??!!
Do you know what Louis did the other day?! We were out walking along the river and Louis ran up to a couple who had their chinese lunch in the park. They sat on a bench and Louis sat down just infront of them and wagged his tail!! Oh my lord!! He beged for chinese food from people he had never ever seen before!
Today Louis has just been trying to make out livingroom look like a blown up Toys'R Us!!! Oh my love!
I have so many lovely anecdotes to tell you!!! But now I need to take my love for a walk and then it's time for Louis late evening snacka, for me to clean up his toy-mess in the livingroom so that we can go to bed!! I'm really tierd today! This morning I saw my nurse and after lunch I had aqua exorcise. Tomorrow the day is Louis'es and mine!! In the afternnon Mum will come visit and then Thursday, back on track with the appointments again.
Oh, I forgott!! Need to make a few hospital phonecalls tomorrow and e-mail some of my dr's. I think I need to e-mail them all, one and the same letter to put some pressure on them to help me.... My foot is really bad, my joints and the cloting... So pressure on the doctors it is!!!!